Packing Tips from Strong College Students
One of the main reasons people have issues moving is packing. Packing properly is the most important part of your move.
It ensures that your unpacking process will go smoothly and efficiently. If you do not pack properly, your move will become that much more difficult and settling into your new home will take extra time.
We have moved many people at Strong College Students, from people who moved for the great jobs in Lubbock for college students to families who found a wonderful school district. Our movers have packed offices, homes, and apartments.
Packing Tips from Strong College Students
Professional packing makes your move easy and efficient. If you decide to pack yourself, here are some tips from the pros.
Make sure you pack room by room. You should have separate boxes for each room. Do not mix rooms in one box. When you unpack, you can unpack room by room as well.
Keep a separate box or bag for essentials. When you get to your new home, you may not want to unpack right away. Make sure you are prepared to spend a night. Pack clothing for the night and the next day, toiletries, and non-perishable or microwavable food.
Use the right packing equipment. It may seem like a great idea to get free boxes from the grocery store, but those boxes are not designed to transport the items in your home. Your items will be safer, and you’ll be able to store more using professional packing supplies.
The goal is to make the most of your space. This will save you trips and require less moving trucks to transport your items from one location to the other.
Always put the heaviest items on the bottom of the box. This makes them easier to move and keeps them from falling apart. It also allows them to be more balanced during transport.
Use labels for everything, and create a home inventory. Label your boxes by room, and make a list of the items that you packed for each room. Although this may seem time consuming, it will make the unpacking experience much easier.
With a home inventory list, you can check off items as you pack and unpack them, so you know for sure if something is missing.
At Strong College Students, making sure your packing experience is efficient is a top priority. To get started packing your home like a professional, follow these tips and see what a difference proper packing can make.
For moving services or jobs in Lubbock for college students, call Strong College Students.