A Fresh Semester at Strong College Students

The beginning of each new semester at Strong College Students always elevates the energy in our work. The new semester brings inspired new workers to inspire and befriend. I really enjoy seeing new potential colleagues perform the physical fitness test when we are evaluating their potential to become a Strong College Students mover. Watching someone push themselves physically and mentally shows a lot about their character. The college students who push themselves the hardest, regardless of their body type, tend to be those who are most successful in their job duties at Strong College Students. I find myself connecting most to those individuals who strive for the best marks on the physical fitness test. Everyone at Strong College Students wants hard workers in their crew members so they don’t have to do all of the “heavy lifting” themselves. Beyond looking for student movers who are willing to work hard, we are also glad to see many new diverse individuals with positive outlooks and uplifting personalities. Nothing is more reassuring than working with someone who finds a positive outlook on every situation. At Strong College Students, forming a connection with your colleagues is very important. It is especially important that you trust the person you are working with because the majority of this job is relying on someone else to do their part. For example, one man cannot carry a large dresser up a flight of stairs alone, and so you must rely on your partner not to misstep or lose their grip. I look forward to meeting every new potential member at Strong College Students because everyone has a story to tell. We work with college students from many diverse backgrounds, and hearing them tell their life story is always awesome. I am looking forward to the opportunities this semester is bringing and can’t wait to meet and inspire generations of Strong College Students movers to come.


Contributing Author- Joseph Lucia